12 Tips For Better Mobile Website Conversion

Believe it or not – some people still have websites that are not mobile responsive. Even the ones who do, do not always make the best use of them. The world is already spending several hours a day on mobile, which is why you should streamline your efforts to improve mobile conversion rates by creating the best ‘pocket’ version of your website.

By Ruhani Rabin
Updated on March 29, 2020
Posted in
Tips For Better Mobile Website Conversion

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Believe it or not – some people still have websites that are not mobile responsive. Even the ones who do, do not always make the best use of them. The world is already spending several hours a day on mobile, which is why you should streamline your efforts to improve mobile conversion rates by creating the best ‘pocket’ version of your website.

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The goal of mobile responsive websites is to improve conversion

If you know what you made, and you know your spending, it is easier to judge how successful your campaign is. In order to find out whether your efforts are paying off, you should track conversion through conversion values and conversion rates. A conversion value would be a numerical value of a single conversion. The value can help you see, for example, how much you profit by making a sale.

Another interesting way in which conversion rate helps you is by giving you the percentage of visits to a mobile website that actually converted. This is a number of conversions, divided by the number of website visitors. Again, these numbers are telling you how successful your actions are but from a different perspective.

If you want to take advantage of mobile website conversion and if you want to improve it, (thus boosting your chances of closing a deal), here is what you should pay attention to. 

#1. Embrace a responsive design

1. Embrace a responsive design for a better mobile website conversion

The first impression is the most important one. Visitors may perceive you as incompetent if your website is not responsive or if it is poorly designed. What you should strive to achieve is a mobile responsive design that works equally well across all devices (mobile and desktop).

Alternatively, you will need a layout that is optimized specifically for mobile devices. 

The key to success is in testing. The testing will help you discover flaws in your design so make sure to test your website on mobile devices. 

Make sure that it works as well and gets as much of your attention as the desktop version of your website. A well-designed responsive website makes you look professional, credible, and trustworthy. In addition, it increases the possibility of gaining new customers.

#2. Pay attention to mobile SEO

Mobile-first indexing means that Google uses the mobile version of your website to rank you on SERPs. Google’s mobile-friendly test is a great way to check where you currently stand and to get recommendations on how you can improve your position. 

Don’t use Flash, use HTML5 instead. Also, don’t block CSS, JavaScript or images. Back in the day, a great number of mobile devices didn’t support these elements, so webmasters used to block one or all three of them. Nowadays, these elements help Google understand whether you have a responsive site or not.

#3. Improve website speed

2. Pay attention to mobile SEO - for Mobile Website conversion

Website speed matters. According to Kissmetrics, 40% of people abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Whether you consider this reasonable or not, cater to your busy audiences and make sure they get the information they need to be served as swiftly as possible. Render start time (RST) is the period in which the first content on the screen appears. Fast RST can get you 50% more engagement and better chances of mobile conversions. 

#4. Text appearance matters

Every year the mobile screens are getting larger and their resolutions are getting better. But, the word on paper is still easier to read. When it comes to typography, the best practice is to use sans-serif fonts, with the recommended size between 14px and 16px. 

However, having said that, what we call the best practice is just a standard and an average. When picking a font, based on both style and size, you should choose it in consultation with the brand you work for and do it with your design in mind. You can always bend the norm and find something more artistic and more suitable, yet still easily readable. There are a number of tools you can use to identify the right font.

#5. Use white space cleverly

While we are on the subject of the text appearance, this incredibly important feature can make or break the deal for you. White space is another ‘feature’ you can use to improve the readability of your website. You should definitely space out groups of sections so it is easy to navigate between them. 

Moreover, you can also space out the lines in your paragraphs and allow greater visibility for each word in it. Reading without eye-strain is the goal.

#6. Add a Search Box

Add a Search Box

A Search box is an absolute must not only for mobile but for all versions of your website. Place it in the area where visitors can easily see it. This is a great way to increase your visitor satisfaction by giving them the opportunity to get only the information they need. 

Some website owners believe they can trick people into getting more information from a website if they make them browse longer. While this is not entirely false, people want to browse through a website because they like what they see. 

If you hope to keep visitors around by making them dig through the information they do not need only to get to what they are looking for, you should think again. You will end up with annoyed website visitors and high bounce rates. 

#7. Add a click-to-call number

Mobile users love and want instant communication options. The moment they arrive on your website they should be able to see easily accessible phone numbers(s). That way, if they have any questions or want to buy something, they can get in touch with you right away. 

By allowing your website visitors to get in touch without investing any effort in it, you will be providing excellent customer service. Remember, it is all about user experience. With a click-to-call number, there will be no need to browse through the website nor have doubts about whether the number is right.

#8. Create attractive CTA’s

Once you manage to get your visitor’s attention, a well-designed and effective call-to-action button tells them where to go next. 

A CTA button is a tiny element, yet a crucial one. Even though it is meant to be simple to keep things clear, it includes a lot of prep work. A base for creating an effective CTA button is knowledge about your target audience. 

You need to know what it is that will attract visitors’ attention. Try not to confuse your audience. Send a clear message about where they should go next. The copy of the CTA should include carefully picked language that will bring you closer to your customers and prompt them to take action. 

In addition to this, the button needs to be visible on the screen, placed on the right spot, of simple design and color which will not be “In your face”, yet be contrasting enough to attract attention.

Inspire conversion by using action and power words. Be the one to clearly explain the benefits of taking action and deliver what’s promised.

#9. Optimize Pop-ups

Pop-ups can be very effective for generating leads. However, this only applies to desktop versions of websites. When it comes to mobile browsing, pop-ups can only lead to high bounce rate and low conversion, unless they are optimized properly. 

The reason why pop-ups have been dubbed notorious is the fact that the traditional ones are highly intrusive. A mobile screen is not built for a pop-up that triggers on its own and takes up the entire screen. To keep your website visitors interested, you need a pop-up which is introduced by a subtle teaser. 

The teaser is also a trigger so the visitors only get to see the pop-up if they click on it. Just make sure to allow the visitors to take a good look at your website before you serve them with a pop-up. Set up a timer so it doesn’t come up immediately. If carefully designed, pop-ups could, in fact, salvage your leads instead of having them increase your bounce rate.

#10. Create clear product categories

The way you design your product category pages directly impacts your customers’ purchase decisions. Depending on how easy or difficult it is for them to find the product they want, the visitors will make their next move. 

To help the decision-making process, divide your products into natural categories and subcategories. Also, you can add a back button and easily-clickable breadcrumb links.

#11. Make and use product videos

Make and use product videos - these really helps with mobile website conversions

In the modern technology age, we no longer have to deal with slow Internet connections or unsuited technologies. Nowadays videos appear in 70% of the top 100 search results. A Greater percentage of viewers are more likely to buy a certain product after watching a video about it.

For a good start with video marketing, you should probably hire a professional (individual or a company), to shoot your product videos. Proper camera, lighting, and setup are a must in this case. No matter how great your smartphone is, it isn’t going to work.

Show how your product is made and emphasize its best features. Get yourself and the people from your company involved in the making of these videos.

Why? Product videos can increase sales by 144%.

#12. Adjust tap targets

A tap in mobile browsing is equivalent to a desktop click. Most people use their thumbs to tap and the MIT Touch Lab found that the average thumb is 72 pixels. Creating a tap target that is close to this number will speed up navigation and improve the experience. In order to avoid accidental clicking, you should not group several tap targets together.


In 2016, mobile web browsing overtakes desktop for the first time. We live our lives on smartphones. This is the reason why you need to create a mobile solution that will work well end to front.

A mobile-responsive website is a must. However, it is a pure waste of resources and a nuisance to your prospective customers if it is not properly set up. 

Start using the above-mentioned tips and you will quickly start noticing the difference.

FTC Disclosure: The pages you visit may have external affiliate links that may result in me getting a commission if you decide to buy the mentioned product. It gives a little encouragement to a smaller content creator like myself.