mobile phones

Top 5 Affordable Tablets

Below are five further tablets to consider, all priced(pounds) within a decent range – of course, the choice you make will depend largely on what you want to use the device for and whether it’s suitable for you.

App Store Wars: Who Controls the Market? [Infographic]

In fact, the smartphone has basically become the one of the most useful daily essentials. But with this love of smartphones coming from all over, fanatics have developed, and ties have been made. This has resulted in heated debates, arguments, drama, and passion (people take their phones very seriously!) for which company makes the best smartphone, and which operating system is the most user friendly.

5 Options You Want Your Android Monitoring Apps to Have

When designing android monitoring app, developers always keep in mind the balance between simplicity and functionality. That is why most of the spying software programs have preset options and configurations. But don’t you just wish that android monitoring software could…

What is NFC Capable of? [Infographic]

This infographic is done by explaining the power of Frictionless NFC that going to change the worlds as we see it.