Helpful Tips to Protect Your Website from CyberCriminals

According to research, websites are being targeted by cybercriminals today, more than ever before. Since virtually all businesses require an online presence, everyone is a target, and everyone needs to take steps, such as SSO security, to prevent severe losses.

By Ruhani Rabin
Updated on November 3, 2020
Posted in
Helpful Tips to Protect Your Website from CyberCriminals

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Many business owners have installed an alarm system and security cameras to ensure their business is not robbed. While this is an effective deterrent, what about the security of your website?

According to research, websites are being targeted by cybercriminals today, more than ever before. Since virtually all businesses require an online presence, everyone is a target, and everyone needs to take steps, such as SSO security, to prevent severe losses.

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How Cyber Criminals Strike

Malware is a top choice for many cybercriminals. In fact, approximately 15% of all malware attacks target personally identifiable information (PII) on your websites, such as traffic, password credentials, credit card data, and more. Cybercriminals may also use ransomware to encrypt website content.

Also, a compromised website is used as a platform for attacks on the websites of your business partners, as well. If a business website is breached, the reputation of the company takes a significant hit, and the website may even be “blacklisted” by search engines such as Google. This results in a loss of traffic and customers. Now is the time to take steps to prevent cyber-crime. Keep reading for some helpful tips and information regarding how you can do this.

Invest in Website Vulnerability Scanning

Web Application Vulnerability Scanners are automated tools that scan web applications, normally from the outside, to look for security vulnerabilities such as Cross-site scripting, SQL Injection, Command Injection, Path Traversal, and insecure server configuration. It is smart to use regular penetration testing and vulnerability scanning to find any issues before a cybercriminal does. Also, review the file structure on the website periodically for any changes or the presence of suspicious content.

Ensure Data Security Compliance

Today, you will find an array of privacy laws in place that dictate specific security protocols. These relate to how 

collected data is sent, stored, and eliminated. You should check the rules and requirements for your industry and make sure your website meets all the set criteria.

SSL Certification

One of the most effective ways to secure your website, and to let customers know your website is secure, is by using Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL, certification. This is a type of standard security technology that makes sure data that is sent and received is moved from place to place securely.

Network Security

One of the easiest ways for cybercriminals to get in your site is through the admin level. Be sure to make strong passwords and time limits for authorization required. Also, limit the total number of login attempts that are allowed.

Only your employees that require access to this part of your website should have access. Also, scan any devices that are plugged into the network for potential malware each time they are attached.

The Use of Strong Passwords

If you choose a very complicated and long password, you will make it very difficult for a hacker to crack it, whether by a brute-force attack (i.e., trying every possible combination of numbers, letters, or special characters) or an automated machine attack trying thousands of combinations per second to guess your one and only.

So, the more complex your password is, the more security it provides for your account. Remember that your account is where you store a great deal of sensitive information that you don’t want to have stolen. As you understand, the stakes are very high. Therefore, taking care of your account password is crucial.

It would help if you had a strong password requirement company-wide. Also, to ensure passwords are strong, provide some guidelines. For example, every password should include capital and lowercase letters, special characters, numbers, and be completely random. Never write passwords down, do not store them in devices, and, if needed, use a password generator for help creating strong passwords.

Block Any Suspicious Requests 

You can use a firewall to detect and block malicious requests. This is imperative for any website. If you have not implemented a firewall yet, now is the time to do so.

Update Software Regularly 

Updates contain important changes to improve the performance, stability, and security of the applications that run on your computer. Installing them ensures that your software continues to run safely and efficiently. Keep in mind that many web exploits look for outdated software with unpatched security flaws. If you are using any website platform, make sure you monitor for the latest patches and that you update applications and add-ons when vendors issue them. You should also keep your plug-ins and your website software updated.

Backup Your Website

What would happen if someone gained access to your website and locked you out? If you do not have a backup, it could be devastating to your business. However, by taking a proactive stance on website security and backing up your site – daily – you do not have to worry about this. Just make sure you store your backups in another location, so they are not compromised, as well.

Create and Follow Company Security Policies 

You should create a detailed security policy for your business. The policy needs to cover everything from best and acceptable practices to your business continuity plans if an attack does occur.

Implement Physical Security Measures

Just like video surveillance can help protect your physical premises, it can also help protect your servers, network, and more. The key is to install these security devices where these items are located. You should also securely and properly destroy your legacy hard drives instead of recycling them or stockpiling them as well.

Keeping Your Business Safe

As you can see, there are several steps you can take to help safeguard your website and your business. While the thought of implementing all these new policies may be daunting at first, they are well worth the time and money investment you make. If necessary, you can also hire a professional, third-party service provider to help you with these security measures. Being informed and knowing what steps to take to protect your business’s online presence is key to ongoing growth and success.

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