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15 Technological Advancements Which were Invented in Wars that Changed Our Lives

15 Technological Advancements Which were Invented in Wars that Changed Our Lives

These were the technological advancements developed during wartime. These inventions or advancements have become a crucial part of our lives now. Some of them are daily life usable things too. This list has not ended yet! There are various other advancements given by military, like jet engines, computers, tanks, poison gas, etc. The list is quite long.

Staying Updated on Technology Today

Staying Updated on Technology Today

Staying updated on technology today doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Instead, you can have a fun time learning about interesting new technology that will have a big impact on your life. Whether you are looking to take your office to the next level or have more fun with your hobby, there are many ways of doing just that with the use of new technology.

Why Do You Need a VPN?

Why Do You Need a VPN?

If you are like many people, you don’t think twice whenever you find free internet: Many people jump right in without caring to inquire if the connection is secure or not.

That, of course, leaves many people vulnerable to data thieves who in most cases set up illegitimate connections in public places so that they can eavesdrop on unsuspecting victims. That’s a basic reason that makes VPN invaluable. 

Are there other reasons? Here are six other reasons that make VPN very useful.

Using Technology to Create a More Productive Office

Using Technology to Create a More Productive Office

There’s a variety of tools, trends and devices that can help you make a more productive office. Seeing as how they range in cost and complexity of implementation, you have the privilege of choosing those that you find the most fitting. On the other hand, implementing them all and finding some additional methods to use wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

Why You Must Include Technology In Home Security

Why You Must Include Technology In Home Security

Including the latest technology in your home security is going to keep your home and family much safer. Using an outdated security system is going to virtually invite criminals to break into your home. They will be well aware that your home is protected by an outdated system that is easily defeatable. However, if you are using the latest technologies, these criminals will be stopped dead in their tracks.

5 Reasons Why Biotech Must Embrace Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain in 2019

5 Reasons Why Biotech Must Embrace Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain in 2019

In recent years, curiosity has prompted many industries to open their eyes to the possible wisdom of accepting artificial intelligence and blockchain into their businesses. This includes industries that handle food, healthcare, pharma, and even gardening companies! For those who are still skeptical, we will break down exactly why you should introduce blockchain and artificial intelligence technology into your biotech company.