Ok My Business is on Twitter so Now What? Here are 18 tips to Success.

We all know Twitter, we may not all be on it (if you not I suggest you do so), but we have all heard of it. If you are a business or a brand or just a person that wants to make a name for themselves, there are certain steps that you should take in order

By Ruhani Rabin
Updated on October 3, 2017
Posted in
A picture shows a digital document labeled "ARTICLE" that has a blue box where an image will go and lines of text. The backdrop is a world map, and at the top, the name "Ruhani Rabin" is written in bold. An arrow points to the article to highlight its significance.

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We all know Twitter, we may not all be on it (if you not I suggest you do so), but we have all heard of it. If you are a business or a brand or just a person that wants to make a name for themselves, there are certain steps that you should take in order to become a Twitter assassin. It’s not just as simple as creating an account and then seeing your profile go viral (unless you are Charlie Sheen of course), no there is work required.  I myself have a passion for twitter and I am constantly trying to broaden my horizons with the untapped marketing potential of the Twitterverse.

So just what’s the plan of action here then, well take a look at the 18 tips sure to set you off.

1.       It all starts with setting up an account with an appropriate name photo and a bio. The bio should include who you are and what you are going to tweet about, this is a sort of an advertisement for yourself.

2.       To have a logo as a profile picture is ok, but people like that feeling of personalisation so try using a picture of yourself or if you are a business use a photo of a prominent member of the company. You can even add your logo to the picture so that you can have the best of both.

3.       Now there is a place to add your personal website or blog, so if you are a brand or business it would be logical to put your homepage there to build the connection. If possible it would also be good to have a designed background customised specifically for you eg. @calepissarra. In my experience it has proven to give your account a sense of authority and apart from the obvious branding benefits, it can make a user feel more connected.

4.       When you are followed by someone new, send them a tweet welcoming them to the family, but never send a direct message as they can seem spammy and prove to be irritating.

5.       The hashtag # is a wonderful marketing tool and can help you to find interesting topics to tweet about and find those people to follow. Who knows maybe you will be able to get something trending if you start an interesting topic.

6.       With this you can become interested in what is going on and start tweeting interesting things yourself and join into the conversation. After all Twitter is about making connections with interesting people, so why not @mention someone and spread the conversation.

7.       Tied to the above is never underestimate the value of a Retweet (RT), if you enjoy a tweet then share it with all your followers, it can be seen as sharing the love and users appreciate all the RT’s that they get.

8.       Ok this is a hard one, Twitter may be seen as a numbers game, you need to ignore this. As hard as it might be to resist the numbers game, you need to, if you Tweet good content then the followers will come, more importantly they will become loyal followers.

9.       Engage, engage, engage, if you take it upon yourself to actively tweet all the time, make sure you engage with people outside of your normal friends circle. It can be a great way to spread the brand, and even lead to viral following or at least bring a large amount of people to your profile to check you out.


10     Make sure Twitter is installed on your Smartphone, if you don’t have a Smartphone, then I would suggest you get in your car and go and get yourself one right now. You can’t always be next to you computer and often there are very interesting things that need to be tweeted on the move.


11     If you are at an event then why not tweet live from it. Tweeting from live events keep your followers engaged and makes you appear as though you are an expert, even if you are not one. You have to think of it from another person’s perspective, would you follow you?


12     Share Links, yes after all Twitter is a great marketing tool, so why not spread some information. Use Bit.ly and other URL shorteners to give your tweets more room and share the knowledge. If you take this on right and do it regularly you could be seen as an information hub and the reputation that goes with it is yours.


13     Saying this make sure that you keep a good balance. It is all well and good to promote your own links so that people share in your expertise, but it would be wise to promote others and not just promote them, promote them more than yourself. The reason being that spamming your feed with your own links can be seen as well…Spam.


14     If you are a brand, company or somewhat of a personality then search for people talking about you and follow them. What goes hand in hand with this is that if you receive an @mention from someone respond to them. Users will appreciate the interaction and feel more connected to you and become more loyal to your account as well as checking up on what you tweet regularly.  Not every business responds, but they should specifically because what I have said above.


15     Always try and keep it fresh with the latest trends and topics in your field of interest. It has proved successful to subscribe to a list of feeds from prominent information sites to make sure you are always a step ahead and tweeting the right stuff, and most importantly be yourself, people like to see a personality.


16     If you have idea’s; run them by your followers (of course not sensitive stuff), bring your followers along in the process. Imagine how this will make them feel, they will feel so involved in what you doing that they will unconsciously become brand ambassadors for you. They could even give you some great ideas and insight into what you need to be doing as well as allowing them to feel connected to your account.


17     There is a lot of fear of the damage that Twitter could do to your PR, but remember, human error is natural, people understand that we make mistakes, just be honest. In fact don’t be afraid to ask tweeps for help, Twitter is an amazing form of PR and can help you a lot more than it can hurt you.


18     Promote your Twitter on business cards, forums or even at a conference you may attend. It’s all about putting that human face to your brand and showing people who your twitter team is. This leads me to say never let interns manage your twitter accounts, they are not as interested, passionate or as involved as a full time employee might be, you would be better off running it yourself.


Cale Pissarra is an experienced online content writer who enjoys writing about various topics such as corporate team building Gauteng, smart business practices, magaliesburg activities and customer interaction. 

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