The Ultimate Guide to SEO for E-Commerce Website
In this article, we are going to talk about SEO and how to pursue it to make your e-commerce website flourish. As you will see, optimizing an e-commerce website is a complex concoction of accessibility, ease of use, search engine ranking, and having some knowledge of what your competition might be up to. So, it can be a demanding pursuit, but certainly, a rewarding one when it comes to expanding your business and making large profits.

When it comes to attracting more people to your online premises and thus securing more sales, one of the most prominent matters to take into consideration would be the SEO aspect of your e-commerce website.
The thing is, every business website nowadays can benefit massively from SEO, but nowhere does this come to forth, so obviously as with e-commerce websites – where everything is done online.
From the very beginning of a sale, when your website first gets noticed by a potential customer, to browsing and finalizing the order, the efficiency and ease-of-use of your website will determine the dynamics of the entire procedure.
Let me put it in this way: search engines make up 39 percent of all global e-commerce web traffic, and 80 percent of online shoppers dismiss paid ads in search results. So you need to optimize your e-commerce website with the best SEO tactics and rank higher on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) to be seen from potential prospects.
This is why making your customers stay on your online premises as pleasurable as possible represents such an important aspect of running an online business.
In this article, we are going to talk about SEO and how to pursue it to make your e-commerce website flourish. As you will see, optimizing an e-commerce website is a complex concoction of accessibility, ease of use, search engine ranking, and having some knowledge of what your competition might be up to. So, it can be a demanding pursuit, but certainly, a rewarding one when it comes to expanding your business and making large profits.
Right then folks, without further ado, here’s the deal.
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Incorporate keyword research into your SEO strategy right away.
When it comes to search engine ranking, there is no getting around the fact that the most reputable search engines such as Google or Yahoo rank the vast amount of content they ‘search’ for according to the keywords that can be found in these articles.
So, to be able to rank your website highly on these search engines, you have to optimize your website in such a way that the content you publish there contains the keywords that will make you more visible when people type in something on Google or some other search engine.
For example, if you are running an online custom-made soap business where your customers can choose what to buy from your website and then order it, you may want to incorporate keywords such as ‘best custom soaps in 2020’, or ‘vanilla fragrant soap in Brisbane area’, if you plan to pitch your products primarily to locals.
Optimize the layout of your website.
It doesn’t much matter what your website is one of the prettiest in the world and that you offer special bargains for your products if it takes an average user about 3 years to load a single page.
Although this may sound like a rough technical question, the way your website responds to clicks and the ease with which it can be navigated plays a major role in how your users perceive it, so you should invest some money and effort into making your website as user-friendly as possible.
This would also include making it possible for people to reach you on other platforms than computers. Mobile devices, for example, are getting bigger and bigger (not just physically, which they do – but also in the sense that they are getting more and more popular) every year, so you wouldn’t want to miss out on a potentially massive market by not putting in a little bit of effort to make your website mobile-friendly.
Test thoroughly to remove any bugs.
Whenever you are making something that’s connected to the Internet, and that involves code, you should already take it for granted that some bugs and issues will pop up sooner or later.
This is why many computer games and website developers will readily tell you that finishing the product is just half the battle won, as fixing various issues that will inevitably start rearing their ugly heads will eat up probably as much time as it took to make the thing in the first place.
So, if you have just made your e-commerce website for the first time, or have just finished a significant overhaul procedure, so to speak, make sure to test the grounds thoroughly and see if it can be improved in any way.
Adding pieces of helpful information throughout your website can be an opportunity to sneak in even more SEO.
Perhaps the only issue with SEO would be the fact that oversaturation comes quickly, as you can only fit so many keywords into your content, without making the whole thing look crammed and unappetizing to the visitor.
So, what you can do to counter this is adding more content where users don’t expect it, and so not only provide them with more crucial pieces of information about your website, but you can also use these short sentences and paragraphs to add more keywords, too.
Short bios, guidelines, or meta descriptions can be an excellent opportunity to market your business further, so you should not miss out on making the most out of it. Also, you can attract more clicks if you have meta descriptions in SERPs.
If you are not sure you can do this yourself, or you do not have the time, you can always hire a trusted SEO agency to do this for you, and tackle it that way.
All in all, optimizing an e-commerce store is essential. Getting more people to visit your website and buy something once they land, there is a story about thorough preparation, testing, and optimization. As long as you put in the time and effort to slowly but surely make your website an easily-accessible and attractive one, you will surely see an increase in the number of visitors as well as sales sooner or later. Bear in mind that SEO requires a great deal of energy and a considerable amount of time for e-commerce sites.
Mia Ackerson is a Melbourne-based writer. Loves writing about technology, digital marketing, and online businesses. She’s also interested in home decorations, reading books, watching movies, baking, and gardening. You can follow her on twitter.
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